Disk Read Statistics: Request: ${G_CACHE_REQ_READ_COUNT} (freq: ${G_CACHE_REQ_READ_RATE}/s), Actual Disk Read: ${G_CACHE_DICK_READ_COUNT} (freq: ${G_CACHE_DICK_READ_RATE}/s), Hit Ratio: ${G_CACHE_READ_HIT}
Disk Write Statistics: Request: ${G_CACHE_REQ_WRITE_COUNT} (freq: ${G_CACHE_REQ_WRITE_RATE}/s), Actual Disk Write: ${G_CACHE_DICK_WRITE_COUNT} (freq: ${G_CACHE_DICK_WRITE_RATE}/s), Hit Ratio: ${G_CACHE_WRITE_HIT}
<GroupSchedule>Calendrier des Tâches</GroupSchedule>
<GlobalMaxConnections>Global Max Connections:</GlobalMaxConnections>
<GlobalMaxDownloadRate>Taux Global Max en Réception:</GlobalMaxDownloadRate>
<GlobalMaxUploadRate>Taux Global Max en Emission:</GlobalMaxUploadRate>
<MaxDownloadingTask>Nombre Max de Tâches Simultanées:</MaxDownloadingTask>
<RunNewTaskWhenDlBelow>Lancement auto. Nvelle Tâche si Taux de Réception sous: </RunNewTaskWhenDlBelow>
<RateNotice>Note: Le Taux de Réception étant très lié au Taux d'Envoi, Si vous n'envoyez rien, vous ne recevrez rien. Utilisateurs DSL, Réglez le Taux d'Envoi plus bas que la capacité d'Emission de votre ligne, sinon vous ne pourrez pas obtenir un taux de Réception optimisé.</RateNotice>
<RateNoLimit>Sans Limite</RateNoLimit>
<GroupListenPort>Ecouter Port</GroupListenPort>
<ListeningMode>Port Ecouté:</ListeningMode>
<NoListeningMode>Pas de Mode d'écoute, Diminue grandement le Taux de Téléchargement</NoListeningMode>
<ChooseRandomPort>Port au hasard</ChooseRandomPort>
<GlobalLimitDisableByScheduler>(Superseded by Scheduler)</GlobalLimitDisableByScheduler>
<Instruction>Windows XP SP2 has Half-Open TCP Connection limitation, which may cause problem for p2p programs. You may adjust the default setting here if you know exactly what you are doing. Please note that a system file: tcpip.sys need to be modified, which may cause problem for your system.</Instruction>
<Help>Detail Help</Help>
<CurrentSystem>Current OS version:</CurrentSystem>
<Notice>Important Notice: In order to make change of tcpip.sys, Windows System File Protection will be disable temporarily druing the modification. The original file will be renamed to "TCPIP.SYS.ORIGINAL".</Notice>
<OSUnrecognized>OS unrecognized.</OSUnrecognized>
<FileVersionUnrecognized>File version unrecognized.</FileVersionUnrecognized>
<EnterCorretNum>The number should be 10-200</EnterCorretNum>
<LimitSetSuccessed>Modify succeed. It will take effect after reboot. Do you want to Restart Windows now?</LimitSetSuccessed>